I will guide you through the property settlement of spouses and unmarried partners

Divorce or separation involves also property settlement. If you have common property, I will be pleased to help you with a comprehensive property settlement of the community property as well as with settlement of the property of unmarried partners.

I will procure everything from A to Z for you.

I will draw up the relevant contracts, provide legal custody of funds or documents, prepare proposals for registration and represent you in proceedings before the Land Registry. I will verify the signatures on the documents on the spot (you do not have to go anywhere).

If an agreement on the property is not possible, I will prepare and file a property settlement action on your behalf in the appropriate court. Of course, I will also represent you in the court proceedings.

I also provide legal assistance in situations if spouses or unmarried partners have common property in different states.

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How property settlement works after divorce or separation

1. Agreement with the other party

If negotiations between the parties result in an agreement on a meaningful and balanced property solution, the settlement can quickly be on the table. In that case, I will make for you:

  • agreements on property settlement and other required documentation
  • I will accept funds and documents into my attorney's custody
  • I will prepare a motion for entering a record and represent you in the proceedings before the land registry office
  • I will verify the signatures of the parties on the spot.

2. Settlement of property through the courts

What happens if the other party is unable to reach a reasonable and balanced property solution? Then I will prepare and file an action for property settlement in the appropriate court on your behalf.

In the case of a married couple, this will be an action for settlement of the dissolved common property of spouses. In the case of unmarried couples, it will be an action for dissolution and settlement of the community property. If you have common property before entering into marriage, we will file a lawsuit in court that will be a combination of both actions.

Read more about property settlement

What belongs and what does not belong to the community property? Does property acquired by one spouse before marriage also apply to the other spouse? These questions and other ones can be answered here.

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